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Hamish Lamley
Apr 2, 2021
Pictish Fashion
Pictii. What did the Picts look like? When we think about the Picts, what image is most commonly conjured up? Aye...It tends to be blue...

Hamish Lamley
Mar 30, 2021
Scary Adult Things
I'm back on the BBC, with the new show Scary Adult Things 😊 I had the pleasure to take presenter @duncancowles out camping and coracle...

Hamish Lamley
Mar 2, 2021
Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs
I had the pleasure of being asked to demonstrate what I do on BBC’s grand tours with Paul Merton last year. it was a braw day on loch...

Hamish Lamley
Oct 19, 2020
A decade of leather...
A decade has now gone by since I began my leatherworking journey. How it has flown by! From small acorns do large trees grow indeed. The...

Hamish Lamley
Oct 19, 2020
Secret Scotland
Thanks to everyone who tuned in to Secret Scotland to see me working away in a pictish cave with Susan Calman. Part of my passion with...

Hamish Lamley
May 23, 2020
The Picts, When and Where. A Timeline.
As a Scottish leatherworker, I take my inspiration from Scottish history, in particular the iron age and early medieval periods....

Hamish Lamley
Jun 11, 2019
Reviving leathercraft
Last month I was fortunate to have a chat with Gayle Ritchie from the Courier who was interested in my journey. Here is a link to the...

Hamish Lamley
Apr 23, 2019
Crannog Coracles
I have built leather boats in the past (see previous blog posts), but have always fancied making a traditional coracle (a wicker frame...

Hamish Lamley
Mar 15, 2019
Pictavia Leather!
The time has come for my business to grow and adapt to the path I am on, and so I have rebranded as Pictavia Leather. Over the last few...

Hamish Lamley
Aug 13, 2018
Celts at the Crannog
Another fantastic weekend at the Celts are Coming event at the Scottish Crannog Center on Loch Tay. It's a weekend of traditional crafts...

Hamish Lamley
Jun 29, 2018
A Pictish shoe replica
The first ever replica of a Pictish shoe.

Hamish Lamley
Apr 22, 2017
Havelgen Reborn!
In the spring of 2014, I was lucky enough to be part of a project to build and sail a leather & wooden stone-age boat on the west coast...

Hamish Lamley
May 1, 2015
Building a Leather Boat
In the spring of 2014, I was lucky enough to be part of a project to build and sail a leather & wooden stone-age boat on the west coast...
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