Here are some links I'd like to share (in no particular order):
Bushcraft UK - A great online community for all things Bushcraft in the United Kingdom. You will find my work under my forum user: Dreadhead.
Leatherworker - A great place to look for leatherworking information.
LePrevo.co.uk - Leather supplier in Newcastle. Excellent service and reputation.
Bronze Age Swords - The finest bronze weapons
Dave Budd - Handmade knives and tools
Macdonald Armouries - Reputable sword maker here in Scotland.
Monikie Rock art - Pictish Stone Carver
Scottish Crannog Center - Iron age roundhouse on Loch Tay
Chris Grant knife maker - superb knives made in Scotland
Spooncarvingfirststeps - Jon Mac spooncarver
Bujinkan Kouryuu Dojo - Norman Smithers Martial Arts
Skolopender - The finest honey in Norway!
Wee Beasties - Gorgeous needle felted goods by Fionn Mckenzie.